Christian Children's Book and Traveling Tea that Equips, Encourages, and Empowers GIRLS to be ALL that God created them to be! Heaven's RoyalTEA™ features a traveling tea party and story time with Selena Holston Gabriel, author of "Heaven's Royalty, That's Me!™"

Heaven's RoyalTEA™ Party Packs
Party Packs that make planning her next birthday party or event "A Piece of Cake"!
Party Packs (for 6 or 12 guests) include:
Autographed copies of "Heaven's Royalty, That's Me!™"
Heaven's Royalty Signature Glass Teacups
Party Plates, Napkins, Bookmarks
AND More for each Guest.
PLUS, Play the Video Storybook at your event or party! BUY Heaven's RoyalTEA™ Party Packs HERE.
Heaven's RoyalTEA Events
Selena created Heaven’s RoyalTEA™ to share the message and mission of her book in partnership with churches, schools, and Christian groups. Teas encourage girls (and those who love them) to lead with their God-given strengths and empower them to be all that He has created them to be. These events can be scaled up (a ticketed event) or down (a pop-up tea party) and include a dramatic monologue of the children’s book, book sales, and a book signing-session with the author.
For more information or to schedule an event, contact selenaholston@mac.com.
For Media Inquiries, Group Book Sales, or to Schedule an event, author's signing, or Heaven's Royalty™ | Heaven's RoyalTEA™ for your church, school or ministry group, contact :
Selena Holston Gabriel
Web: selenaholstongabriel.com
Email: selenaholston@mac.com
Phone: 407-951-4356