Life as a result of COVID-19 has brought unforeseen changes, hardships and human suffering on every imaginable level. As you cope with change, here's a reminder that God isn't standing on the sidelines watching; He wants to be in the center of the struggle with us..., if only we'll let Him.

Scripture References:
Matthew 6:26-34
Psalm 36:7
Life as a result of COVID-19 has brought unforeseen changes, hardships and human suffering on every imaginable level…, in just about every pocket on the planet. Most days I’ve been able to keep a fairly level perspective and thank God for His daily provisions in the midst of uncertainty and increased need. But, some days are harder; and it’s difficult to maintain a healthy hope. And when this happens, it’s been easy to become stuck in negative emotions. Here’s how it normally goes with me:
I express an anxiety related to a particular family need. Or, I wrestle with some of life’s unwelcomed changes and acknowledge the emotional tug-of-war happening inside of me. Immediately, I feel guilty for losing perspective. I tell myself that I don’t have the “right” to complain or “fret” about what seems out of place when so many others near us and around the globe are fighting for their daily survival. And then I try to push down the whispers of my heart, feeling unworthy to even give them a voice.
But, recently God reminded me that He hears the utterances of my heart and he cares about them. Not long ago, I was feeling stressed over what the 2020-2021 school year might look like for my five-year-old daughter who is entering kindergarten. My heart had hoped that this fall she might begin taking piano lessons, but in light of a tightened budget, this was an unlikely goal. I mumbled under my breath, “God, I so wish we had a piano.”
A week or so passed and then my neighbor texted me and said that her friend was trying to find a home for her treasured piano. This woman, downsizing in her season of retirement, wanted to place her piano with a family that would love it as she and her family had done over the years. We expressed our interest immediately and moved the piano into its new spot in our home. As all of this was happening, I found myself speechless before God who had demonstrated His love and care for me (and my daughter, Micah) once again.
I share this to remind you that God cares about your increased need during this season. He cares about the desires of your heart in the midst of so much change. Name the range of emotions or needs that you are experiencing and give them to God. He knows them already; and He longs for us to offer them to Him so that He can demonstrate His loving kindness to us in the middle of our circumstances. He’s not standing on the sidelines watching, He’s in the very center of the struggle with you.
July 29, 2020
By Selena Holston Gabriel, Author of the hope-filled Christian children's book Heaven's Royalty, That's Me!© and Creator of Heaven's RoyalTEA™.